the beginner’s guide to Puder Cats

Puder Cats

It’s officially the fourth day of 2018, so now seems like a good time to talk about the logistics of a species that I don’t even remember creating. Enjoy.

Millions of amazing species exist on earth. Their abilities and purposes are as endless as their numbers. From breathing underwater and controlling pests, to flying and fertilizing the ground. Some species are even yet to be discovered. One creature that remains to be discovered is the magnificent tunneling cat: a species that is known by some as Puder Cats.

The anatomy and appearance of Puder Cats are strikingly similar to that of its relative; the domestic cat.

With a body closely resembling its fellow feline, Puder Cats have many signature traits of normal cats, as well as a few of their own. Like normal cats, they need less light to be able to see by, because their eyes adjust to the darkness. Puder Cats’ ears are triangular and upright and are also adorned with tufts of fur at the tips.

The sounds that this creature makes can inspire peace or chaos. From their gentle purrs that strengthen bones and heal wounds, to their terrifying shrieks; those who have heard the Puder Cats’ cry are never the same again.

Puder Cats’ fur is highly sleek and glossy, and usually short to be more manageable. Whenever they sense danger and their fur bristles, the hairs go into a locking mechanism creating an impenetrable armor.

Living mainly underground, the Puder Cat survives by tunneling, which its stubby legs and large paws are well suited for. They’re also able to tolerate higher levels of carbon dioxide and reuse the oxygen that they breathed above ground because their blood cells have a special form of hemoglobin. Puder Cats’ tails help them to balance and navigate. And to protect themselves, they can roll into a ball by clamping onto their tail and back legs with their teeth. Unlike cats, who live around fifteen years, the Puder Cats’ lifespan averages at twenty-four plus.

The habitat of Puder Cats has been likened to that of moles, rabbits, badgers, and perhaps… humans. Where is it? The underground, hollowed-out tunnels of the Puden.

These tunnels (opening up into towns and cities) spread across the span of the earth, even underneath the darkest depths of the ocean. Millions of passageways lead from the surface down to the Puden, but all are hidden and every Puder Cat is sworn to secrecy. Stretching across this species’ home are the seven rivers of the Puden. Without this nourishment, Puder Cats would never be able to survive. Some Puder Cats choose to live in tunnels only a few miles below the surface, others a few thousand miles, and a very few even live on the surface. They can endure most temperatures with their thick fur, but they prefer warm and musty environments best. This makes the Puden the perfect place for Puder Cats to raise their kittens; whether in a tunnel distanced from others, or in a growing metropolis.

The diet and hunting habits of Puder Cats are closely linked to those of normal cats, as well as other medium-sized mammals.

The Puder Cats’ diet is vastly different depending on where they live and what prey is available. Although their main food source still comes from hunting, modern conveniences have not been lost on this species. Of the cats who continue to hunt, it has been said that they are most fearsome creatures. They excel in night hunting, sleeping lying in wait for their victims, tunneling while tracking down their prey, and even flattening prey by rolling over them.

With all these incredible skills, none is as powerful or as deadly as the shriek of the Puder Cat, which can be traced back to all the greatest natural disasters and calamities in history.

On the whole, the Puder Cats are quite a fascinating species. Great explorations and discoveries lie in their future as more humans become aware of their existence. But, a word of warning must be issued to all who dare seek the face of the Puder Cat. Though beautiful and harmless they may seem; invoke their shriek, and someone must suffer the consequences.

Puder Cats
  • January 4, 2018

    Yo momma


    Ugh, the shriek! All together now…It’s raining sunshine, it’s raining sunshine, it’s raining sunshine…

  • May 10, 2020

    Kailey Warner


    Wait… They invoke Miranda Cosgrove?
    … Never the same again…

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