what happens when you read a book over and over again

This week’s post is less of a post and more of a quick thought on rereading. But not just rereading a book once. Reading it multiple times.

There are so many books in the world and so many books I want to read, and sometimes it seems like rereading is a waste. It doesn’t check anything off my list. And I like to check things off my list. But one thing that I’ve noticed recently is that returning to a book that you’ve read before is like returning to your bed after a long, hard week sleeping somewhere else. You get to come back to something that’s familiar and cozy, a world that you’ve already fleshed out in your mind. And every time you return you get to add more details. What the food tasted like. What fabric the dress was made out of. How the sun glinted off of the sword. Eventually, the book becomes rich with the details of your mind; it becomes more than it was when you first read it.

And maybe not every book was made to be read again and again, but some books you love and some worlds you get heartsick for, and when that happens, you have to reread.

• • •

As a heads-up to you all, there shall be no post next week. My brother will be home for Spring Break, and I’m planning on spending 100% of my time pitying myself because I have to do schoolwork. (To clarify, I could blow the schoolwork off. But I’d rather feel sorry for myself and get done with school early.)

rereadingVia GIPHY

So, have a fantastic week ????

  • March 1, 2018

    Yo momma


    I also struggle with wanting to reread my favorites. Seeing as I have 300+ books on my To Be Read list, it’s hard to make time to revisit something I’ve already read because crossing off a book is SO satisfying! I have no idea where you get that list checking from…must be your father!

  • April 11, 2018



    There has never yet been a time when I wasn’t willing to jump aboard the Hogwarts Express and speed off to a world of magic and adventure!

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