why I love the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator


On the off-chance that you haven’t heard of Myers-Briggs before, today you’re gonna learn something.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, simply put, is a personality test. The whole point of it is to learn which personality type you are, and thus how you (most likely) view the world and make decisions.

There are sixteen different personality types, made up of a combination of Introvert or Extrovert, Observant or Intuitive,  Thinking or Feeling, and Judging or Prospecting. You can read about these in more detail here. (They explain it better than I do.)

In general, I enjoy taking tests and quizzes like this (and Hogwarts House quizzes, obviously.) Learning stuff about myself (even when it’s not 100% accurate) (I’m looking at you Blackbird Patronus) is fun.

Tests like this also double as potentially helpful things.

Understanding that I’m an INFJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging) helps me know my tendencies and where I’m most likely to have problems interacting with humans. While I know that I’m an Introvert and that I need my alone time, I also know this doesn’t excuse me boarding myself into my room. Likewise, just because I have the Judging trait doesn’t mean I can plan everything. But I can try.

Specifically, though, I like to use the Myers-Briggs test to better understand the characters I’m writing. After taking the test several times, I can get a clear-ish picture of my character in my head. It’s by no means a solid thing, and their type may change down the road, but it’s a starting point.

So, I would definitely recommend taking the Myers-Briggs test (I’m talking to you, Brother.)

Also, as a heads-up, there won’t be a post next Thursday. I’ll be starting school, and I want to take a week to (hopefully) figure out my school-plus-work schedule. Added on to that, my brother will be leaving for school again (and I won’t see him until December), so I need to at least try to spend time with him.

  • August 9, 2018



    I had to take it for school and I’m INTP the logician

  • August 9, 2018

    Yo Momma


    I agree, your brother needs to take the test. And I don’t see why you can’t plan everything…it works just fine for me!😉

  • August 10, 2018



    INFP-T here. Although I’d classify myself as an outgoing introvert. I need my alone time, but I do (obviously) not have a problem talking to people.

  • August 22, 2018

    57% Extroverted
    80% Intuitive
    71% Thinking
    76% Prospecting
    51% Turbulent

  • November 3, 2018



    I recently retook the test, and it came up with interesting results, I was still a Logician, but I was very assertive (85%). I also was more extroverted, but not by much.

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